Whatever is that’s stopping you from living the best possible life that you can imagine. Well, the chances are you weren’t born with it. You learned it. It became a behaviour, thought or pattern that blocks your path to happiness. And I’m here to tell you that it can be changed.
For many years I’ve coached men and women through their conscious mind, asking them to make logical choices and rational decisions. To look at their life like a fly on the wall or like a doctor would diagnose a patient. To separate their emotional choices from their rational choices. And while it worked for some, it didn’t for others who found it to be a frustrating, long and drawn out process, with more failures than success.
It didn’t matter how much support, tools, and knowledge I gave them, some just “gave up”, “ghosted” or told themselves that no matter what they do they can’t stop the self-sabotage so why bother? Then after copious amounts of research, I’ve found that there’s a specific reason why some people can’t change.