Rewire Your Mind Workshop – Control System

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A CONTROL workshop is a one day event aiming to teach you how to get control of your own patterns of thought. This will result in you leaving with the ability to change almost anything about the way you think, feel and behave as and when you want to.

Whilst a workshop attendee is required to operate a “learn by doing” attitude on the day and have something about themselves ready to work on, the objective of the day is more about learning the system than changing a single personal issue.

So you could come to the workshop to change your cravings for sweets on the day (for example) – but you will also learn how to change anything else that’s holding you back in your own time.

The workshop lasts from 10am-4pm and is split into 5 separate sessions. There are varying degrees of interaction throughout the day and attendees are asked to treat the room as a safe space where any disclosure is treated confidentially.

However, this is not group therapy. Whilst there can be emotional and challenging moments for attendees, my job as a CONTROL Workshop Presenter is to make the process as smooth, interesting and fun as possible, regardless of the emotional content.

CONTROL Workshops are ideal for people who want to change something but don’t want 1-2-1 therapy.

It’s also important to note that not everyone needs fixing. However, most people do have something about themselves that they would like to upgrade… I don’t know anyone who still uses a Nokia 3310 – it was useful back then when it came out, but now there are newer up to date phones that have better features and functions.[/cs_text][x_custom_headline level=”h2″ looks_like=”h3″ accent=”false” class=”cs-ta-center”]Next Workshop Date: Saturday 9th January 2021 (Online)[/x_custom_headline][x_gap size=”20px”][cs_text]You can book your place on the next Control Workshop via the button below
*Note: Deposits will hold your space, with the full balance to be paid 24 hours prior to the workshop date. Once you make a payment, your place is booked and no refunds will be issued more than 24 hours after placing the booking. As it’s a Live scheduled event, this does not affect your statutory rights.

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