24 – Eating Out
“I had to leave, there were too many syns in the room”
I’m not messing. I heard that myself. Here’s another one for you to scratch your head at.
This screenshot was taken in a slimming club group so I’m assuming that the reason why she declined dinner with her husband was because of the dreaded weigh in and not because that eating out isn’t something she enjoys.
Life is for living. And for some it can be a very short one. There’s no reason for you to pass on special occasions, especially if you’re “watching your weight” – ffs, life is darn too precious to let those potentially beautiful memories never happen because of what an inanimate object feckin says!!
Sorry. Rant over. Here’s how to go out and enjoy yourself without ending up in a mess of guilt.
Step 1 – Go to the restaurant. If you’re really feeling anxious look up the menu in advance and select something that’s both delicious AND nourishing. Order a side of vegetables if it doesn’t come with the meal.
Step 2 – SLOW da fk down. If that meal doesn’t arrive piping hot, ask them to bing it in the micro. Eyeball the portions on the plate. Is there too much mash? (for example) OK, make note of that and enjoy your meal slowly.
Step 3 – Stop when you’re satisfied. Not because you have to clear the plate cause it cost €22.95. Not because “yolo treat yo self”. Not because the chef will get offended if the plate isn’t licked clean cause he doesn’t give a flying fiddle anyway. And ensure that you are the LAST person to finish eating at the table.
Step 4 – If you want dessert – HAVE IT. If you’re reasonably full and just fancy a bite of something sweet – get one to share. If your partner won’t share tell them they’re a greedy fk anyway. Truth is, as much as I love Banoffee, desserts are huge in size and come with a huge price tag to justify eating it all. Satisfy your sweet craving, then bring the leftovers home for tomorrow if you can’t leave it on the table.
And if you happen to overindulge on a lovely family occasion, so what?
Did you enjoy yourself?
Do you do it every night of the week?
Probably not.
It’s not a “small blip” – it’s just life. If you let it escalate into days of guilt-ridden “off the wagon” binge marathon, that’s where the problem is and not the occasion itself.
Check-In Day tomorrow!! Have a great weekend!
SJ x